Perintah Dasar Linux

Cerita ini berawal saat gw mutusin buat Migrasi dari Windows ke Linux (Ubuntu). awalnya Sebagai seorang yang awam akan linux, gw ngalamin banyak kendala saat make Ubuntu, tapi semua menjadi mudah seiring waktu berjalan. :)

Buat sobat2 linuxer, gw pengen bagai2 Perintah2 Dasar pada terminal Linux, yang harus sobat ketahui jika ingin menggunakan linux. Kalo sobat nggak tau apa itu terminal, fungsinya hampir sama dengan command (cmd) pada windows.

su : Super User rights from within the terminal
sudo : super user run this command

ls : list directory contents
ls -lis : list directory content is list view

cd : change directory
cd /dirname : jump change a directory

apt-get install : gets app from web and installs
apt-get remove : uninstalls app
apt-get remove --purge : removes a program and purges any configuration files associated with it
apt-get update : updates the DB
sudo apt-get clean - Clear apt archives
sudo dpkg -i filename.deb - Install *.deb file
sudo apt-get build-dep program-name - Get dependencies for source packages
sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes dist-upgrade - Get information about broken packages when getting dependency problems

clear : clears screen
./filename : processes a install command
mkdir : creates a directory
chmod 777 dirname : resets access rights to directory
kill 999 : kills process at high level
reboot : reboots system
exit : exits from terminal or moves back a userlevel
make : comlies package code
make install : installs the compiled code
uname -r : gives you the kernel version

dir : will list all directories within your current location
cat filenamehere : will display it's contents
pwd : will show you your current location (very important if you're usincli ftp)
cp oldfilename newfilename : copies a file
mv oldfile newfile : will overwrite the oldfile with the newfile
chown usernamehere dirnamehere : changes the dir owner to whoever you put
chgrp groupnamehere dirnamehere : changes the group who owns the dir
pkill program-name : Kills a command
free -m - shows free space

cd ~ - go to home folder
cd .. - go to previous folder

tar -cvf file-or-folder - Make tar archive
tar -cvjf file-or-folder - Make tar.bz2 archive
tar -cvzf file-or-folder - Make tar.gz archive
tar -xvf file-or-folder - Untar tar archive
tar -xvjf file-or-folder - Untar tar.bz2 archive
tar -xvzf file-or-folder - Untar tar.gz archive

Moga bermanfaat.. :)
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